On The Moors
There are a lot of different habitats close to where I live but one I don't visit as often as I should are the moorlands. Whenever I visit I tend to come across something new and it was the same on a recent early morning outing.
The warblers have returned and virtually all the small trees had one singing away in full voice. These were willow warblers trying to attract a partner for the breeding season after having arrived back from sub-Saharan Africa where they spend the winter.

There were also lots of meadow pippits around, which although usually around all year may well have spent the winter at the coast or lower down the valleys.

The star of the show though was the skylark which I watched rise to the heights singing its song before diving back down into the heather. Luckily I watched where it landed but its incredible camouflage meant it took me a good few minutes to fix on it and take a picture.